midnight in the garden.

Okay. Golly gosh. So. There's this beautiful beautiful place. Moss drifts over tables and plants decorate the walls. Well...I suppose you could tell that this is a plant store. But Terrain is no ordinary plant store. It's a gardener's heaven. My amazing friend took me there because she knew I'd love it. She knows me too well. There are so many pretty things I can't even emphasize how lovely it is. There is this song called "Midnight in the Garden" by Atli Orvarsson. It is quite calming and it reminds me of Terrain. Also, the song is in this movie called City of Bones (ah the book is amazing) in which there is this pretty garden. They both also remind me of fairies and magical things...do you see why I specifically love it? It's like someone took a bit of the magical world that I cannot see and bundled it all up into a store that I can visit whenever I please. Every time I go, it always makes me so happy. And the employees are soooo friendly. And I will not lie...I acted like a child in a toy store.

fairy lights.

(Bet you didn't know I was a teenager).
spiral staircase...literally in love. 
The lovely Isabel and I. 

Do you see this? Probably the best plant store ever. And yes, I am wearing different outfits because these photos are from two different visits. I may be obsessed. I found it completely hilarious how one of my favorite bloggers also love Terrain. It's so great. Not to mention they make great Elder Flower Spritzers.  Yay. I officially know where to get materials when I start my first garden. Have to love Terrain.

Check out this girl's Etsy shop!


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