The beauty here is staggering. I love the melting blues and golds, and I love the natural land. Desert landscape is very different from the ever-shifting forests on the East Coast, and I've found myself longing for the crisp, jewel leaves of Autumn.
As this is my first time spending Autumn outside of Connecticut, I feel a slight sting in my chest, waiting for warm hues to spring forward. I crave the heavy clouds, the cool winds, and the mystical wave of Halloween in the air. But, none of those are here.
In the past, I've spoken of adjusting and transitioning to experience new and unusual things. Go into the unknown. And now I am here. In the unknown, discovering and exploring. Yet, I miss the stars. I miss seeing Orion and Cassiopeia high above. I know I must open my heart further. I know everything takes time. I know time heals. The moon still rises and sets, just as it did before. It is my familiar point, my place to look up and remember we all see the same moon, even if it is more difficult to seek out constellations.
This step I have taken is the biggest one I've yet to take in my life. There will be more colossal steps further on, but I must dwell solely on this moment. Where I am now, not where I will be. I believe that will help. In all truth, it is overwhelming. Even so, there are adventures to come. So I will wait. I will let the clock tick, and I will wait.
Already, as I write, someone has made me smile.
I will leave you with this song, that makes me heart melt, and reminds me I am composed of stars. Hopefully, it will do the same for you: You There // Aquilo
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