
It was a gray day.

I couldn't have been happier. When you get to go into the city on a day when umbrellas dot the streets and the gentle swoosh of water splashing is heard, there's a tremendous thing in your bones. But, it wasn't only that.

Yesterday, I got the chance to travel to New York City with students from the art classes at my school. I was fortunate enough to have seven friends coming along, as well as four amazing teachers and a friend of one of my teachers.

It started with a bus ride, where we read through a book of questions from the 1980s. We read question upon question.

And soon, we arrived to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. We made our way through the rain and up the grand staircase. I nearly melted when I entered. The interior rose up in beautiful pillars to a dome. Skylights allowed the sky to pour in it's soft gray, making a cozy feel fill us.

Off we went, to the John Signer Sargent show. Sargent is a famous American painter who lived from 1856 to 1925. His paintings and watercolors left me quite breathless, not to mention I lost track of my friends for a while, ha. 

Sketching on the Giudecca, Venice 1904. Source: http://jssgallery.org/
This last piece was a personal favorite. I did quite love how he executed any kind of space that was meant to be "white." The dresses use a lot of blues and pinks, while the boat seems to have an orange and pink. It's really quite gorgeous. Though, if I may say, one of my favorite parts of the trip was when my teacher looked at the painting of a man with black beard and said, "He's gorgeous." 

After lunch, we made our way back on the bus. There, we asked more questions, guessed random things about one another (apparently I'm a tiger and unexpected Scorpio) and wound down from a wonderful day. 

There was never another day quite like yesterday. It changed me in a wonderful way and gave me some new friends, and made me closer with old ones. 

Here's to the gray skies and lovely days with umbrellas and beautiful friends. 

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